Adding PHP Support

On Windows:

  • Download PHP for Windows from and install it. We recommend using the Windows installer version of PHP.
  • If you are asked during the installation of PHP about the type of your web server, choose None (or other web server), I will configure the web server manually and proceed.
  • Open Abyss Web Server's console, select Server Configuration then press Advanced... and select CGI Parameters
  • Set CGI Processing Enabled to Yes.
  • Press Add... in the CGI Interpreters table.
  • In the Interpreter Path field, enter the path of the php.exe executable file. If you have installed PHP in C:\Program Files\PHP, enter C:\Program Files\PHP\php.exe.
  • Enter php in the Associated extensions, set Automatic Update of the CGI Paths to Yes, and press OK.
  • Press Add... in the User CGI Environment Variables table.
  • Enter REDIRECT_STATUS (with no leading or trailing spaces) in the Name field and 200 in the Value field and press OK.
  • Press OK in the CGI Parameters dialog.
  • Select Server Parameters.
  • Press Add... in the Index Files table.
  • Enter index.php in the Index file field and press OK.
  • Press Restart to restart the server.

On MacOS X:

We are in the process of generating the CGI version of PHP for MacOS X. These instructions are temporary and adding support on MacOS X will be as easy as on the Windows version.

  • Download the source package of PHP from, configure it to generate the CGI version, compile it, and install it.
  • Open Abyss Web Server's console, select Server Configuration then press Advanced... and select CGI Parameters
  • Set CGI Processing Enabled to Yes.
  • Press Add... in the CGI Interpreters table.
  • In the Interpreter Path field, enter the path of the php executable file.
  • Enter php in the Associated extensions, set Automatic Update of the CGI Paths to Yes, and press OK.
  • Press Add... in the User CGI Environment Variables table.
  • Enter REDIRECT_STATUS (with no leading or trailing spaces) in the Name field and 200 in the Value field and press OK.
  • Press OK in the CGI Parameters dialog.
  • Select Server Parameters.
  • Press Add... in the Index Files table.
  • Enter index.php in the Index file field and press OK.
  • Press Restart to restart the server.

On Linux/FreeBSD:

  • Most Linux/FreeBSD distributions come with PHP. To check if it is installed, execute which php. If not available, download it from and install it.
  • Open Abyss Web Server's console, select Server Configuration then press Advanced... and select CGI Parameters
  • Set CGI Processing Enabled to Yes.
  • Press Add... in the CGI Interpreters table.
  • In the Interpreter Path field, enter the path of the php executable file. You can retrieve it by executing the command which php on the shell. In most cases, it is either /usr/bin/php or /usr/local/bin/php.
  • Enter php in the Associated extensions, set Automatic Update of the CGI Paths to Yes, and press OK.
  • Press Add... in the User CGI Environment Variables table.
  • Enter REDIRECT_STATUS (with no leading or trailing spaces) in the Name field and 200 in the Value field and press OK.
  • Press OK in the CGI Parameters dialog.
  • Select Server Parameters.
  • Press Add... in the Index Files table.
  • Enter index.php in the Index file field and press OK.
  • Press Restart to restart the server.

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