Adding ASP Support

ASP support is available only on Windows using a third party commercial product called ActiveHTML from seliSoft.

To add ASP support, follow these steps:

  • Download ActiveHTML installation package from
  • Run ActiveHTML installation package and follow the on-screen instructions.
  • Open Abyss Web Server's console, select Server Configuration then press Advanced... and select CGI Parameters
  • Set CGI Processing Enabled to Yes.
  • Press Add... in the CGI Interpreters table.
  • In the Interpreter Path field, enter the path of the ahtml.exe executable file. For example, if you have installed ActiveHTML in C:\Program Files\seliSoft\ActiveHTML, enter C:\Program Files\seliSoft\ActiveHTML\ahtml.exe.
  • Enter asp asa in the Associated extensions, set Automatic Update of the CGI Paths to Yes, and press OK.
  • Press OK in the CGI Parameters dialog.
  • Select Aliases.
  • Press Add... in the Aliases table.
  • In the Virtual Path field, enter /ahtml. In the Real Path field, enter the absolute path of the AHTML subdirectory located in the ActiveHTML installation directory. For example, if you have installed ActiveHTML in C:\Program Files\seliSoft\ActiveHTML, enter C:\Program Files\seliSoft\ActiveHTML\AHTML.
  • Press OK.
  • Press OK in the Aliases dialog.
  • Select Server Parameters.
  • Press Add... in the Index Files table.
  • Enter index.asp in the Index file field and press OK.
  • Again press Add... in the Index Files table.
  • Enter default.asp in the Index file field and press OK.
  • Press Restart to restart the server.

For any request regarding ActiveHTML, please contact seliSoft.

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