Joined: 19 Sep 2014 Posts: 1
Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 11:07 am Post subject: 2 arrays for 1 subroutine |
Hi I'm having trouble getting data from 2 arrays to place in a subroutine:
Code: |
Dim delv_array
delv_array = Split(Request.Form("delv_no"), ",")
'Iterate through the array inserting tracking numbers for each delivery
for x = 0 to ubound(delv_array) %>
<%for lineitem=0 to uBound(rspartarray) %>
<%Call ScomUpdateDate( trim(delv_array(x)),rspartarray(lineitem,0))
End if
The first next returns 1 value as expected but the 2 second next returns all of the array however I only require 1 value at a time, is there away to tell the for next to run once each time rather the then looping through all of the array everytime the first for ubound is run?
Many thanks