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lazna -
Joined: 16 Aug 2015 Posts: 54
Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 4:33 pm Post subject: The process cannot access the file because it is being used |
Have cmd script which generating HTML code utilizing batwrap.exe. In output page, there are four <img src="script.cmd"> tags. This are linked to scripts which generate images dynamically (as a result of scripts). The page itself load imediatelly, but single images appears few secs later, as scripts finish and produce output. Its how it WAS works a years earlier when I use this technique on Windows 2003.
Now trying this technique on Windows 10 but only one of this four images appear, last three are not displayed (only empty image frame with proper dimesions). When perform right-click on this three frames and select "Reload image" option, it load in few secs, as expected. All of them one by one.
After load this page, there are trhee lines of %SUBJ% in Abyss cgi.log What is going wrong? I do not writing to any file (exclusive access), only reading files (different file for each image), creating images on-the-fly (into STDOUT). Where the problem could be? |
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admin Site Admin
Joined: 03 Mar 2002 Posts: 1327
Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 9:44 pm Post subject: Re: The process cannot access the file because it is being u |
Without inspecting your code, we could not make any informed suggestion. Is it possible to send us your abyss.conf as well as your code for the .cmd files for review?
What is the origin of %SUBJ%? Is it in your code? _________________ Follow @abyssws on Twitter
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Aprelium - |
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lazna -
Joined: 16 Aug 2015 Posts: 54
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admin Site Admin
Joined: 03 Mar 2002 Posts: 1327
Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 4:57 pm Post subject: |
Is there an anti-malware or an antivirus that is doing some time consuming checks when when these .cmd files are launched?
More information about the context is what could help us understand this issue. _________________ Follow @abyssws on Twitter
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Aprelium - |
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lazna -
Joined: 16 Aug 2015 Posts: 54
Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 10:30 pm Post subject: |
All scripts are here. Firts create HTML page containing <IMG> tags calling graphs generators. Second script is graph generator itself. Antivirus is bouilt-in windows defender, batwrap.exe is listed in excluded processes. Just trying test with antivirus real-time monitoring turned off, but same results... Third scripts is just for completeness
Code: | @echo off
:: This script print html page and call 'TRAFFIC_graph_creator.cmd' to print traffic
:: on selected interfaces of specific routers
echo Content-Type: text/html
echo ^<!doctype html^>
echo ^<html^>
echo ^<head^>
echo ^<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"^>
echo ^<title^>
echo Traffic statistics
echo ^</title^>
echo ^</head^>
echo ^<body^>^<font size="5"^>^<table^>
set "host="
set "iface=vlan206"
echo ^<tr^>^<td^> [%iface%@%host%]:^</td^>^</tr^>
echo ^<tr^>^<td background="images/message.gif" style="background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center;"^>^<img src="TRAFFIC_graph_creator.cmd?host=%host%&iface=%iface%" width="1066" height="355"^>^</td^>^</tr^>
set "host="
set "iface=vlan4091"
echo ^<tr^>^<td^> [%iface%@%host%]:^</td^>^</tr^>
echo ^<tr^>^<td background="images/message.gif" style="background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center;"^>^<img src="TRAFFIC_graph_creator.cmd?host=%host%&iface=%iface%" width="1066" height="355"^>^</td^>^</tr^>
set "host="
set "iface=eth0.401"
echo ^<tr^>^<td^> [%iface%@%host%]:^</td^>^</tr^>
echo ^<tr^>^<td background="images/message.gif" style="background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center;"^>^<img src="TRAFFIC_graph_creator.cmd?host=%host%&iface=%iface%" width="1066" height="355"^>^</td^>^</tr^>
set "host="
set "iface=eth4.311"
echo ^<tr^>^<td^> [%iface%@%host%]:^</td^>^</tr^>
echo ^<tr^>^<td background="images/message.gif" style="background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center;"^>^<img src="TRAFFIC_graph_creator.cmd?host=%host%&iface=%iface%" width="1066" height="355"^>^</td^>^</tr^>
echo ^</font^>^</body^>^</html^> |
Code: | @echo off
:: This script print create traffic graph from RRDfiles, based on 'host' and 'iface'
:: given in parameters. Output is controlled by REMOTE_ADDR variable presence.
echo Content-Type: image/png
set "rrdtool=c:\inetpub\monitoring_test\utilities\rrdtool\rrdtool.exe"
set "logfile=logs\%~n0.log"
REM == If started from console, check parameters presence ======================
if not defined REMOTE_ADDR (
set "output=c:\inetpub\monitoring_test\temp\graph.png"
if "%~2"=="" (
echo "Parameter missing. Usage: %~nx0 [host] [iface]"
exit /B
) else (
set "iface=%~2"
if not "%~1"=="" (
set "host=%~1"
) else (
echo "Parameter missing. Usage %~nx0 [host] [iface]"
exit /B
) else (
call "functions\read_POST.cmd" "%QUERY_STRING%"
set "output=-"
call :print_graph
exit /B
%rrdtool% ^
graph %output% ^
-w 1000 ^
-h 300 ^
-i ^
--disable-rrdtool-tag ^
--imgformat PNG ^
--end=-300 ^
--start=-115000 ^
DEF:traf1=X\:\RRD\ROUTERS\%host%\%iface%.rrd:traf1:AVERAGE ^
DEF:traf2=X\:\RRD\ROUTERS\%host%\%iface%.rrd:traf2:AVERAGE ^
CDEF:traf1_=traf1,-8,* ^
CDEF:traf2_=traf2,8,* ^
AREA:traf1_#00eb0c:"Traffic 1" ^
AREA:traf2_#1000ff:"Traffic 2" 2>>%logfile%
Code: | ::
:: This function read STDIN (http GET string), perform URLDecode and convert
:: encoding to UTF-8. If any parameter provided, parse it instead of script STDIN
:: require: win_iconv.exe
if "%~1"=="" (
REM == If no parameter provided, parse script STDIN [usually HTTP GET]
for /f "tokens=1-26 delims=&" %%a in ('
powershell.exe -noprofile "Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web;[System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlDecode($Input) | Write-Host" ^| win_iconv -f CP852 -t UTF-8
') do (
if not "%%~a"=="" set "%%~a"
if not "%%~b"=="" set "%%~b"
if not "%%~c"=="" set "%%~c"
if not "%%~d"=="" set "%%~d"
if not "%%~e"=="" set "%%~e"
if not "%%~f"=="" set "%%~f"
if not "%%~g"=="" set "%%~g"
if not "%%~h"=="" set "%%~h"
if not "%%~i"=="" set "%%~i"
if not "%%~j"=="" set "%%~j"
if not "%%~k"=="" set "%%~k"
if not "%%~l"=="" set "%%~l"
if not "%%~m"=="" set "%%~m"
if not "%%~n"=="" set "%%~n"
if not "%%~o"=="" set "%%~o"
if not "%%~p"=="" set "%%~p"
if not "%%~q"=="" set "%%~q"
if not "%%~r"=="" set "%%~r"
if not "%%~s"=="" set "%%~s"
if not "%%~t"=="" set "%%~t"
if not "%%~u"=="" set "%%~u"
if not "%%~v"=="" set "%%~v"
if not "%%~w"=="" set "%%~w"
if not "%%~x"=="" set "%%~x"
if not "%%~y"=="" set "%%~y"
if not "%%~z"=="" set "%%~z"
if not defined REMOTE_ADDR echo %~nx0_out --- TOKENS "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h" "%%~i" "%%~j" "%%~k" "%%~l" "%%~m" "%%~n" "%%~o" "%%~p" "%%q" "%%~r" "%%~s" "%%~t" "%%~u" "%%~v" "%%w" "%%~x" "%%~y" "%%~z"
) else (
REM == If parameter provided, send it to STDIN to be parsed [usually console DEBUG]
REM == [Echoed strind HAVE to be doublequoted, othervise delimiters '=' diasppaer]
for /f "tokens=1-26 delims=#&" %%a in ('
echo "%~1"^| powershell.exe -noprofile "Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web;[System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlDecode($Input) | Write-Host" ^| win_iconv -f CP852 -t UTF-8
') do (
if not "%%~a"=="" set "%%~a"
REM == Missing trailing doublequote is an intend [hack od remaining one from echo "%~1"]
if not "%%~b"=="" set "%%~b
if not "%%~c"=="" set "%%~c"
if not "%%~d"=="" set "%%~d"
if not "%%~e"=="" set "%%~e"
if not "%%~f"=="" set "%%~f"
if not "%%~g"=="" set "%%~g"
if not "%%~h"=="" set "%%~h"
if not "%%~i"=="" set "%%~i"
if not "%%~j"=="" set "%%~j"
if not "%%~k"=="" set "%%~k"
if not "%%~l"=="" set "%%~l"
if not "%%~m"=="" set "%%~m"
if not "%%~n"=="" set "%%~n"
if not "%%~o"=="" set "%%~o"
if not "%%~p"=="" set "%%~p"
if not "%%~q"=="" set "%%~q"
if not "%%~r"=="" set "%%~r"
if not "%%~s"=="" set "%%~s"
if not "%%~t"=="" set "%%~t"
if not "%%~u"=="" set "%%~u"
if not "%%~v"=="" set "%%~v"
if not "%%~w"=="" set "%%~w"
if not "%%~x"=="" set "%%~x"
if not "%%~y"=="" set "%%~y"
if not "%%~z"=="" set "%%~z"
if not defined REMOTE_ADDR echo %~nx0_out --- TOKENS "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h" "%%~i" "%%~j" "%%~k" "%%~l" "%%~m" "%%~n" "%%~o" "%%~p" "%%q" "%%~r" "%%~s" "%%~t" "%%~u" "%%~v" "%%w" "%%~x" "%%~y" "%%~z"
exit /B |
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admin Site Admin
Joined: 03 Mar 2002 Posts: 1327
Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 9:11 pm Post subject: |
The scripts are a bit complex and it could be any of the called programs or sub-scripts that is the cause of this issue.
Try first activating CGI logging for that host and checking the resulting log file. What does it report for the first bad attempt with the 3 missing images?
How are these logged in the access.log file? What status code is reported for them.
Can you send to your abyss.conf file for review too? _________________ Follow @abyssws on Twitter
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Aprelium - |
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