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Topic: File Expiration Times |
Replies: 2
Views: 1439
I just visited and all the files have a 30-day expiration date (HTML, CSS, JS, JPG, PNG, WOFF2).
You may want to move the catch-all MIME type to the last positi ... |
Topic: Issue with PHP that I just noticed |
Replies: 1
Views: 1521
Guess it's almost a month later, but have you tried this:
*Open php.ini file located under php installation folder.
*Search for extension=php_curl.dll.
*Uncomment it by removing the semi-colon(;) ... |
Topic: Can Abyss X2 read in a list of IPs into Denied IP Addresses? |
Replies: 4
Views: 3968
Just thinking out loud here...
Is this a problem you could address with a firewall? That might be more script-able. This would block bots from establishing another TCP connection with the server, w ... |
Topic: Lets Encrypt challenge problems |
Replies: 2
Views: 22259
Have you forwarded port 80 in your router to your server? If so, can you access your site (non-HTTPS version) on your phone when on cellular data?
Also, make ACME logging more granular in Abyss. Fo ... |
Topic: Installing an Intermediate Certificate |
Replies: 1
Views: 5940
I'm guessing you just need to concatenate the two files into one.
When using Letsencrypt's certbot program and nginx, the SSL cert file used in the nginx config is 'fullchain.pem'.
Here are the ... |
Topic: Redirect Hits to another in-house server |
Replies: 4
Views: 25679
I'm struggling to figure out what the paths should be: Virtual Path, Remote Virtual Path, and even the site's Documents Path since it can't be left blank. I'll work on it and research, but suggestions ... |
Topic: Can Abyss have/use a document root on a network (NAS) drive? |
Replies: 3
Views: 26626
There's more than one way to skin a cat, so to speak... Perhaps you could run a web server on the NAS itself. Many NASs these days seem to cover their bases for accessibility (web, FTP, etc.). Then yo ... |
Topic: Redirect Hits to another in-house server |
Replies: 4
Views: 25679
Hi Jim. What you probably are looking for is Reverse Proxy. In response to being accessed, it queries the backend server (your older OS system) and relays the data it returns to the visitor.
URL re ... |
Topic: Suggestion to include PHP |
Replies: 15
Views: 17523
Reverse proxy is working perfectly fine for me.
One suggestion I have is to NOT have the root folder of inside the root folder of
In other words, move the D:\Main\ ... |
Topic: Suggestion to include PHP |
Replies: 15
Views: 17523
Another workaround for OP:
First of all, you’ll need X2 for this.
Let’s say you are running PHP 7 on your site by default.
Now make a host setup with PHP 8.
Make a reverse proxy on your main s ... |
Topic: Installation transfer |
Replies: 3
Views: 5799
What are the (k)eys and (c)erts?
Keys and certificates are used for cryptography. It allows you to connect to the Abyss console over HTTPS. It also holds some ACME information so that you can have ... |
Topic: Installation transfer |
Replies: 3
Views: 5799
After installing Abyss on the new OS, just copy over your abyss.conf file to preserve all your Abyss settings. Also copy over the kcstore folder at the same time. That folder holds your (k)eys and (c) ... |
Topic: I don't like being warned |
Replies: 3
Views: 12620
That still begs the question of how to squelch warnings on my local machine.
You can find examples here:
You can set the error reporting ... |
Topic: Abyss Server Statistics |
Replies: 31
Views: 103690
But I think you are looking at the uptime (which is just the total uptime since I installed Abyss on this PC) instead of the uptime since the last restart.
Yes, you're right. Silly me. But it is im ... |
Topic: php.ini file configuration file not loading PATH not correct |
Replies: 3
Views: 9386
FastCGI (Local - Pipes) /home/user/php-7.4.29/bin/php-cgi -c /home/user/php-7.4.29/
is there a cool trick besides this to get abyss and PhP to load the right php.ini? I'd like to somehow set it ple ... |
Topic: Abyss Server Statistics |
Replies: 31
Views: 103690
By the way, the screenshots suggest that we'd better pretty print the values and use other units (MB/GB/TB) instead of KB only!
Sorry to drop in on this thread a month later... Haven't been to the ... |
Topic: Can Abyss be configured to ignore certain rewrite rules? |
Replies: 8
Views: 11647
Hello JMMotyer.
I see one problem you're having in the image you shared.
When you use a slash in the type "Relative to base," you don't include the slash in the beginning of your regex ... |
Topic: Help needed to get PHP mail() to work |
Replies: 8
Views: 13504
Unfortunately, the web used to be simple... until spam came along.
The easiest solution I can come up with is setting up a mail server locally. You could even give it a hostname on the internet, li ... |
Topic: DIY: Run Abyss + PHP + MySQL on Linux |
Replies: 6
Views: 31403
Thank you very much for suggestions.
I have set open base dir inside htdocs folder, and upload tmp folder inside.
Now uploads working properly.
Glad you fixed your issue. I'm guessing you'll find ... |
Topic: Abyss Web Server 2.16 adds HTTP/2 support |
Replies: 58
Views: 171295
I also noticed since this version on windwows. It doesn't shut down all the php scripts running when stopping the service. Hopefully they can fix that too.
Correct.. There are a few problems on Win ... |
Topic: GeoLocation Lookup Application |
Replies: 19
Views: 31472
Nice work! Definitely handy to have. Every server gets spammed and it's nice to know where it's coming from (Yes, Russia, I mean you... lol)
Perhaps you could add a checkbox that, when enabled, wou ... |
Topic: http/2 |
Replies: 7
Views: 13204
I was wondering if there is any update on this? The standard for HTTP/3 has almost been set :)
We're currently testing an alpha release of a new version with HTTP/2 support. Tests are still interna ... |
Topic: Simple redirect; I'm tooo stupid for that .. |
Replies: 17
Views: 39549
... yes, definitely ...
Host 1:
* http & https with Option Exclusively Serve On HTTPS
* Point physically to the webside
* Servernames: (https- Master & target for all Host ... |
Topic: Moving abyss from windows to linux |
Replies: 3
Views: 13097
I have a sucessfull install on windows and am moving it to linux. When I try to start the server on port 80 on linux I get a "Listening error".
Can anyone tell me how I can fix this so it r ... |
Topic: Your current AbyssWS stats now? |
Replies: 6
Views: 12727
Nice! I plan to stick with Abyss for a while, and hopefully get X2 one day.
@pksml How did u make that dynamic gif that shows all your stats at the bottom? It's really cool.
Definitely get X2!
... |
Topic: Your current AbyssWS stats now? |
Replies: 6
Views: 12727
Total Uptime: 1105:21:24:14 day(s):hour(s):minute(s):second(s)
Uptime since Last Restart: 10:06:07:04 day(s):ho ... |
Topic: Merry Christmas 2020 |
Replies: 2
Views: 9308
Thanks Rich! Hope you and all have a very Merry Christmas from Michigan! |
Topic: Install Abyss on Xubuntu |
Replies: 2
Views: 9064
Sorry to hear about your troubles. I've been running Abyss on Linux for a few years now and made some tutorial videos to explain how to do it.
I think you'll find what you're looking for in video # ... |
Topic: How to prevent the last dir from being listed in this dir |
Replies: 3
Views: 14194
You can also use a script if you’ve set up a scripting language interpreter (e.g. PHP) in Abyss. |
Topic: {SOLVED] Acmebot error (won’t renew) [XFINITY ISP] |
Replies: 7
Views: 14526
Gotta love your helpful ISP lol!
Glad you found the solution. |
Topic: {SOLVED] Acmebot error (won’t renew) [XFINITY ISP] |
Replies: 7
Views: 14526
If I were you, I’d turn up the logging for acme. You’ll get better info in the acme error log. Should help you diagnose the issue.
Are you on the latest version of Abyss? I know LE required a chang ... |
Topic: X1 -> X2 Migration & backup |
Replies: 3
Views: 12334
Hello tfh. You would likely want to reinstall Abyss. Stop the server (executable or service - depending on how you have it starting up). Then copy your abyss.conf file to the new installation. If eve ... |
Topic: What other server software do you use? |
Replies: 2
Views: 10570
Hello Soman and welcome to the forums!
I used to use Cerberus for FTP. On my Windows box, I run Filezilla FTP server (not internet-facing though).
It doesn't make any sense to run a mail server ... |
Topic: Simple redirect; I'm tooo stupid for that .. |
Replies: 17
Views: 39549
Q: That you have explain redirect mail.domain.tld and also all other like domain.tld to domain.tld/mail... Or am i wrong?
Aprelium's reply is exactly what you need to do to accomplish your objectiv ... |
Topic: Installing on Lubuntu 18.04 |
Replies: 4
Views: 13149
If you want to toy around with Abyss on Linux, you can check out my site -->
I'd recommend Linux over Windows any day because of the enhanced security. There is a lot ... |
Topic: Installing on Ubuntu 19.10 |
Replies: 3
Views: 12010
Hi Blaine. You may want to check this site out that I created -->
As to your concern, Abyss should have been installed in /home/username/abyssws/
You just need to g ... |
Topic: Change upload limit? |
Replies: 6
Views: 14778
Uploads are not governed by the web server, but rather a scripting language, e.g. PHP.
Google "increase upload limit for [your scripting language here]". |
Topic: Linux Version - Unable to connect |
Replies: 1
Views: 10362
I was able download, install, start, and access the console of the Linux X1 version. I'm also able to retrieve the "Welcome to Abyss Web Server" page by pointing my browser to http://135.0. ... |
Topic: DIY: Run Abyss + PHP + MySQL on Linux |
Replies: 6
Views: 31403
Hello. A couple years ago I wanted to move my Abyss server from home running Windows to a cloud VPS running Linux for reliability and performance. Since I knew nothing about Linux, this entailed ascen ... |
Topic: Local access with ssl. |
Replies: 8
Views: 19167
If you're using X1, that's very possible. You'd have to get that from Aprelium to be sure. I have X2 (the paid version) so I have a host called "Default Host" that picks up localhost request ... |
Topic: Local access with ssl. |
Replies: 8
Views: 19167
Check URL rewriting. Did you put that rule in place that I told you about? If do, delete or disable it.
Also check anti-leeching settings. Turn ... |
Topic: 500 Error in one specific site case |
Replies: 8
Views: 17773
pkSML, The timeouts are indeed sufficiently large, perhaps overly so. I am receiving nothing in the error log when the timeouts are at 1200 seconds (20 minutes). As for possible ini_set() lines, Agent ... |
Topic: How to apply for SSL certificate |
Replies: 13
Views: 23864
I feel better about it now.
I checked my website and also on your link. The report is quite long and I won't pretend I understand it all. But I do see the browser that are more compatibl ... |
Topic: How to block subdirectory entry with URL |
Replies: 10
Views: 20393
Now that the Username and Password system from Abyss is working, I have to change my index file. But, this is trivial and almost finished. Having the website encrypted makes the site more private. Bei ... |
Topic: How to apply for SSL certificate |
Replies: 13
Views: 23864
Yes, you are of course right again.
I did try it but the page took longer so I thought it was being rejected. Also the Certificate Store is empty, so I thought that the system is still waiting. I tho ... |
Topic: How to block subdirectory entry with URL |
Replies: 10
Views: 20393
I think I found a solution.
I worked out how set up Passwrds in Abyss.
Now that Abyss issues a Username and Password request, how will my Let's Encrypt certificate be renewed? How will their websi ... |
Topic: How to block subdirectory entry with URL |
Replies: 10
Views: 20393
This is almost possible, but not fool-proof.
FYI: When you click on a link from your page, the browser sends an HTTP header called REFERER with the value of the URL of your homepage.
The referer ... |
Topic: How to apply for SSL certificate |
Replies: 13
Views: 23864
No. Actually you should be good to go. The order processing being queued is for renewal of your current certificate (which must occur every three months, per Let's Encrypt).
Try to access your site ... |
Topic: 500 Error in one specific site case |
Replies: 8
Views: 17773
So I presume you can confirm your timeouts in PHP and Abyss are sufficiently large in your present setup?
Also note that the script itself may be setting timeouts which will override the php.ini va ... |
Topic: How to apply for SSL certificate |
Replies: 13
Views: 23864
I plan on making a video tutorial about this soon. But until then, I'd suggest following Aprelium's solution at
After clicking OK ... |