Accessing the console

From your computer (locally)

Browse<console port>, http://[::1]:<console port>, or http://localhost:<console port>.

From any computer or device connected to the network

Browse http://<your host name>:<console port>. Note that by default, only the local access to the console is allowed so that only the computer where Abyss Web Server is installed (which IPv4 address is and IPv6 address is ::1) and computers connected to your LAN (which IPv4 addresses range from to, from to, and from to are able to browse the console. Remote access from other computers is disabled by default. To enable it, please read "Configuring the console IP Address Control".

<console port> is printed on the web server's terminal. It is 9999 by default.

Console homepage

Figure 3-1. Console homepage

Note: Starting from Abyss Web Server version 2.11, the console interface features a responsive design which allows it to offer a user experience carefully adapted to the device you are using to access it, be it a mobile phone, a tablet, a laptop or a desktop computer.